Dr. Daniel G. Samuels
Dr. Daniel G. Samuels
[This article is from Geoff Cutler’s site, New-Birth.net]
Dr Samuels received a number of messages which follow on from the work of James Padgett over the period 1954 to 1966. He was born in Brooklyn of Russian parents on 18 May 1908, and passed into spirit at 11561 Long Beach, Nassau, New York in March 1982 at the age of 73.
Dr. Samuels attended Boy’s High School 1922-24 and New Utrecht High School 1924-26. He was a graduate of City College (New York) in 1930. He received an M.A. from Columbia University in 1931, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Columbia University in 1940. His proficiency was romance languages and journalism, which he taught in both secondary schools and colleges/universities. He also worked for the US Government as a translator.
Dr. Daniel G. Samuels meets Dr. Leslie Stone
He met Dr Leslie R Stone in the fall of 1954, while he was employed by the University of the District of Columbia as an instructor in Spanish. The meeting took place in a park in Washington, DC, near Dr Stone’s residence.
A friendship sprang up, and it was soon realized that Dr Samuels was able to take automatic writings. Jesus urged Dr Samuels to pray for the inflowing of the Divine Love of the Father into his soul, just as 40 years before he had urged Mr Padgett to do the same.
Jesus directs Dr. Daniel G. Samuels Regarding the Publishing of the Padgett Messages
In late 1954, Jesus directed through Samuel’s mediumship that a trust be formed to serve as the repository for the truths he had revealed through Mr Padgett from 1914-1923; this trust was to be called The Padgett Foundation.
However, when Padgett’s name could not be used due to the objections of a living relative, Jesus honored Dr Stone in the naming of the trust, and the Dr Leslie R Stone Foundation was incorporated in the District of Columbia on the 21st December 1955 by Dr Leslie Stone, Dr Samuels and Rev. John Paul Gibson.
2nd January 1958, in order to gain federal tax-exempt status, a new entity was incorporated called the Foundation Church of the New Birth. The three gentlemen, Dr Leslie R Stone, Dr Daniel G Samuels, and Rev. John Paul Gibson, served not only as the Founding Trustees but also the administrators of the church until their demise.
While the many of his messages are not questioned, there remains some doubt in the minds of some of the followers of the Padgett messages regarding the purity Dr Samuel’s mediumship. This was addressed in a later message from Jesus, and clearly indicated that we the readers are as much responsible for the ascertainment of truth as the medium. This should be born in mind by the reader. However Dr Samuels has returned to give a few messages in 2008 that indicate he was overly concerned about the building of a material church. Dr. Daniel G. Samuels has also discussed his passing over.
To read more about Dr. Daniel G. Samuels and to read the amazing messages that he received from Jesus, please visit New-Birth.net, and in particular, the 56 Revelations given to Dr. Daniel G. Samuels, and the 76 Sermons on the Old Testament, also through the mediumship of Dr. Daniel G. Samuels..