Jul 25 1916 | St. Luke corroborates what Luther has written about the errors in the Bible.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

St. Luke corroborates what Luther has written about the errors in the Bible.

July 25th, 1916

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Luke.

I merely come to corroborate what Luther has written, as I am one of those who have set the causes in operation. You may believe what is said, and your realization will not be long postponed. I will not write more tonight.

I did not write the Gospel or the Acts, as they are now contained in the Bible. I wrote a Gospel and also a book called the Acts, But my writings were not preserved, and in the copying and translating of them many things were eliminated and many things added. Of course, I cannot tell you now what these things are, but before our messages are finished you will know of many truths which will explain this matter. I am really the Luke who wrote the Gospel and the Acts which were the supposed originals of what the Bible now contains.

So with my love and blessings I will say, good night.

Your brother in Christ,


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