Mar 14 1916 | Josephus (Jewish Historian) assures Mr. Padgett that he is receiving communications from spirits living in the Celestial Spheres.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

Josephus (Jewish Historian) assures Mr. Padgett that he is receiving communications from spirits living in the Celestial Spheres.

March 14th, 1916

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Josephus. I am Josephus. Yes, Josephus, the Jewish Historian who has written you before.

I merely want to say that I am interested in your work and that you are receiving messages from the high spirits whose homes are in the Celestial Spheres, and you must believe what they write you, for they write only the truth. I see that you are sleepy tonight and that I must not write more, though I would like to write you a long letter at this time; but I will come again and give you my views on certain matters in which you are interested.

Your brother in Christ,


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