Oct 26 1916 | Mrs. Padgett spends a great deal of her spiritual time with Mr. Padgett, and is always ready to help those in need, both in the material and spiritual planes.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Mrs. Padgett spends a great deal of her spiritual time with Mr. Padgett, and is always ready to help those in need, both in the material and spiritual planes.

October 26th, 1916.

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.


I am here, your own true and loving Helen.

Well, dear, I am glad to know that you are in a much better condition tonight, and hope that you will continue in the development of your spiritual powers – that is the soul – for we all feel much encouraged and hope that soon you will commence to receive the higher messages.

I was with you today when the lady called and heard your conversation, and desire to tell you that it had some effect upon your hearer and may help her to get into the way that will lead to the development of her soul in love.

At the same time were the spirits of her relatives present, and they, or some of them, expressed a desire to write a message to her, and one in particular who is a very bright spirit of the Celestial spheres. She seemed much interested in the woman and is quite anxious to write her in reference to the condition of her soul and the necessity for her seeking for the love and becoming a true child of the Father. I told her that you would receive her message in a very short time, and so you will. Well, dear, I see that you are happier than you were, and it is all due to your turning your thoughts to spiritual things and praying for a greater inflowing of the love. I will not write more now

Yes. I should have told you, but our communications have been so brief, or rather caused to be brief, by the condition surrounding you, that I did not think at the time to write you in reference to Baby. I have been with her and saw that she was sick, but that there was nothing very serious the matter with her. She will soon be much better and then she can have the operation that she told you of.

Well, I will write her a long, loving, motherly letter very soon, and you can give it to her, for I will try to write her a very encouraging letter and one that will appeal to her love instincts.

No. I will not forget – he is ready at any time and has been waiting only for you to get in condition to receive his messages. He has made an examination of the Doctor and knows what the trouble is with him, and is prepared to prescribe. You had better go to bed earlier tonight as you need to recuperate, and a good sleep will help you very much. So love me and believe that I love you. Good night my dear Ned – your own true and loving


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