Sep 21 1916 | Helen confirms the writing from Lazarus.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

Helen confirms the writing from Lazarus.

September 21st, 1916.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, your own true and loving Helen.

Well sweetheart, you have had a message from Luke and one from Lazarus, and I want to tell you that it was really they who wrote. I was with you tonight and saw that you did not enjoy the evening very much nor the music either. I think it may be best for you to not visit there (the Colburns) so often, for if you will give more of your evenings to us you will find more benefit in our society and communications. It is well that you visit them occasionally for they enjoy your visits and some time perhaps you may be able to show them the way to the vital truths of the soul. I am so glad that you are feeling so much better and I wish that the time was here when you could enjoy the things that you were thinking about as to your home. I will not write more tonight as it is late and you had better go to bed and get up early.

Yes, Mary was with us and she enjoyed the visit and was very close to the Doctor. She says tell him that she loves him and wants him to love her more and more each day. She will write him soon.

Yes, they did her good and succeeded in relieving some of the difficulty and she is better and the doctors think that she may recover. Dr. Campbell was with her last night and gave her the best attention and help that he was able to give and he knows a great deal about the ills of mortals and how to remedy them. He took charge of the case as the doctors say and directed the manner of assistance on the part of the others. I do hope that she will get well and the doctors are very hopeful. So you may expect to hear that she is better.

So my own dear Ned, love me and think of me for I love you so much. Kiss me and say good night.

Your own true and loving,


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