Mar 4 1917 | Helen wrote that Perry is praying for Divine Love and is commencing to realize the great love that his mother has for him.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3
Helen wrote that Perry is praying for Divine Love and is commencing to realize the great love that his mother has for him.
March 4th, 1917.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, your own true and loving Helen.
Well dear, you have had a wonderful night and if as you say, you could see the scene of your surroundings you would wonder that there could be such happiness and joy in the spirit world. I mean in these lower planes where there are so many dark and unhappy spirits. We have all been happy and I must tell you that all of your band and also the Doctor’s have been present listening to the messages that have been written you.
And it seems to be a night when so many of these dark spirits have come seeking and longing for help and trying to find the way to light. And while only a few have written you yet many have been benefitted for they have heard the messages and your conversations and have listened to the bright spirits who have been ready and anxious to help them.
Perry is better as he says, and is praying and just commences to realize the love and solicitude that his mother has for him and she is so happy that he realizes that she is his own loving mother, and the scene between them was very pathetic and they mingled their tears, hers of love and thankfulness to the Father and his of gratitude that hope has come to him. He is praying and I am so glad that he asked you and the Dr. to pray for him, for it shows that there has come to him some little faith in prayer.
We are all praying for him and your grandmother, in all the beauty of her love, is with him and to her he seems to listen and believe in more than all the others. It is a glorious time for us all. I will not write more now as you have been drawn on a great deal and we must stop.
Give my love to the Dr. (Stone) and tell him that if he could know the amount of love that is surrounding him tonight he would not exchange places with Rockefeller or any other rich man or great men as you mortals consider greatness – for this love will be his through all the years to come even increasing and growing.
So dear believe that I love you and give me your love and trust that I am,
Your own true and loving,
This message is a composite of two, being published in Volume III on page 395 and Volume IV on page 376. For more details see this page.