Apr 13 1919 | Richards tells about Mrs. Kates’ séance, and there are no animals in the spirit world.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Richards tells about Mrs. Kates’ séance, and there are no animals in the spirit world.

April 13th, 1919

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.


I am here, John T. Richards. Let me write a few lines, as I am very anxious to tell you of what the scene was at the meeting tonight.

There were surrounding you a very great number of spirits of all kinds and conditions. Some were present for the purpose of mere curiosity and others with the desire to communicate with their loved ones of earth; and still others were seeking help and deliverance from their conditions of sufferings and torment.

Mrs. Kates, the medium, tried to give the communications of some of the spirits who were anxious to tell their relatives and friends of their presence and of the condition in which they, the mortals, were in, and advise them as to what is best to be done; and if they will only take the advice, they will be helped.

There was one spirit who tried to make himself known by an unusual method of identification, in having with him a dog which the person to whom the spirit came was enabled to identify, but the spirit was not within his recollection. The dog was a real dog, but not the spirit of any dog that had existed in the human, or rather, earthly form, and the likeness was created by the spirit who tried to have the individual identify him. There are no spirits of dogs, or any other animals, that once had an existence on earth, in the spirit worlds.1 These appearances are all manufactured by the spirits for the purpose of having the medium see, clairvoyantly, the resemblance of the dog on earth, so that an identification may be made. Dogs and other animals when they die never have any part of themselves that survive death, and become extinct. They have no soul and, consequently, nothing that persists after death of the earth form. I was much interested in the séance, and tried to make myself appear to the medium, but was not successful.

The condition of the dark spirits who were seeking help was most pitiable, and the medium for some reason was not able to see or understand their condition, and, hence, no help was given them, and they went away very sorrowful.

You had several spirits around you, but they did not try to manifest themselves, and I doubt if the medium could have seen them had they tried. They were not of the kind who come to her and make their presence known, for her development as a medium is not such as to enable her to see spirits of the kind mentioned. She has not the soul development that is necessary in order that they can make a rapport with her, and hence she can neither see nor hear them.

I will not write more now, so good night.

Your friend,

John T. Richards.


Note 1: I think that while this may be technically correct, its rather misleading. There are any number of communications from spirit to illustrate that to all intents and purposes, there will be a spirit equivalent of any animal that is loved by a mortal. Not only do spirits report this, but so do humans who have clairvoyance. That the spirit animal does not have a soul, and is more accurately called a thought form, is rather immaterial. They exist in the Spirit spheres and give pleasure to those that loved them while on earth. (G.J.C.)

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