Jan 12 1919 | Helen wishes for Mr. Padgett to be ready to receive the Master’s message and that she will write on soulmates.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

Helen wishes for Mr. Padgett to be ready to receive the Master’s message and that she will write on soulmates.

January 12th, 1919.

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, your own true and loving, Helen.

Well dear, the Master has just written you and he was very much interested in what you have in mind to do. You must try your utmost to be ready to receive his message when he comes, for nothing to you is of more importance. I will soon come and write a little upon some features of the soul which is not in the Master’s messages, I mean about the soulmates and their love. So expect me.

Baby says she wants to write and tell you what she knows about love and happiness and will do so as soon as you will arrange things. I will not write more tonight as you are somewhat tired. So sweetheart, love us and pray to the Father and believe that I love you with all my heart and soul, the great thing to you and me. Good night,

Your own true and loving,


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