Mar 9 1991 | James E. Padgett: Editing Volume II.
Messages 1984 to 2000
Editing Volume II.
March 9th, 1991
Received by K.S.
_Dear Father of Love, A____ has asked me if I would receive a written message from James E. Padgett to ask him how he feels about the work we’re trying to accomplish by presenting questions in the messages he received from Jesus and Celestials, where he and or Dr. Stone obviously asked a question of the angels. I feel it would be a greater honor to him, for the great work he did, if we give him credit for the questions he asked which were followed by helpful answers. Please help me, dear Father, to be a clear channel for Mr. Padgett’s thoughts. Protect me from any spirit who would tend to interfere with my desire to know the Truth, so we may proceed with our spiritual work for You in the way the Celestial spirits see would be more effective in reaching a larger percentage of Your children with the Truths of Your Love which is available to their souls through prayer. I love You and thank You for all the many blessings You bestow upon us. Amen._
(Mr. Padgett established a rapport with me before I finished writing my prayer. This was evidenced by the difference in writing and the “help” received in writing.)
Good morning, my dear sister in Christ. It has been many years since I’ve had the privilege of writing through you in this way. I am your friend and brother in Christ, who is with you often to help in this most important work of disseminating the Truths of God’s Love into the world of men, James E. Padgett, a true follower of Jesus of Nazareth who is Master of the Celestial Heavens.
I thank you, dear sister, along with our brother, Jesus, for your faith in our loving care for you, for your knowing in your soul that we are with you, protecting and guiding you through all these controversies which have caused you to lose heart in the work you’re trying to accomplish.
I will tell you that you picked up on my thought when you had the “idea” that it would be displaying greater respect and honor for me and my work if you would allow the future readers of these wonderful messages I was privileged to receive while I was living on earth to realize that I played a role in what the Celestial spirits wrote by asking pertinent questions which they, in turn, were able to answer thoroughly with their wisdom and love.
It matters not one iota that the wording of the question be in the exact manner in which I may have stated it. The major purpose for the presentation of the question is to prepare the reader for the answer, and for him to realize, or have a mind-awareness of, what is to follow so he will be eagerly looking forward to what follows.
We are very well pleased that you have the ability to see the importance of how a new seeker will respond, in many cases, to the answers presented which are very wonderful, but would be easier to grasp if the reader was prepared beforehand with the question that the following narrative is an answer to.
A____ was also inspired with the thought that the followers of these Truths who support the “no changes” attitude, should be allowed to reprint the Volumes as they presently are compiled; but that they should also allow these notable and significant enhancements to be included in the new editions.1
We are well pleased with the first volume’s smoother presentation and we know the second volume will be even better, because it is your desire and our goal to see to it that you proceed with the compilation with the reader-in-mind, and to help every seeking soul, who may chance upon the written word, to be attracted to what is written within its pages.
In order for the Truths of God’s Love to be spread far and wide among His children in the whole world, translations of these Truths will have to be made in many foreign languages. Many of the soul-seekers will not be so familiar with the English language and its complexities. The easier the presentation is made to be understood and the more simply it is composed, the more accurately will the translator be able to present the Truths in his own language for God’s children to find and absorb and digest and understand.
I am greatly honored by the wonderful dedication you continue to have in these writings. I thank you, each and every one, for continuing to exert your wills in a way that will forward the work. You realize, in your hearts, that more than one presentation will be needed to reach the hearts and souls of all the many possible seekers who will incarnate on earth, now and in the future.
Why would you want to limit your outreach with one version? At the time I received the writings, it didn’t occur to me that I should write down my questions; but I see now that I should have done this in order to eliminate the thought gaps which are present. And you “picked up” on my thought, also, that I didn’t have so much respect for myself as to acknowledge that my questions were of much value, but rather that I was foolish for not being able to grasp what the Master and his co-workers were trying to explain to me in so many and wonderful ways. But now I see that these questions are perfectly understandable and that many readers have similar questions.
So, it would be showing me greater honor and respect if, in the new edition, you would give my questions the recognition they deserve as playing an important role in the answers which follow.
We inhabitants of the Celestial Heavens aren’t concerned about earthly rewards; we are solely interested in saving souls for the Father. Any way you can compile the messages of Truth to reach a seeking soul with the Truths of God’s Love, which is available to his soul through prayer, is a good presentation.
When you realize that there are many people in the world who only read novels of fiction and many who read “Sci-Fi,” it would do no harm to create a “fictitious” story, into which the Truths of God’s Love are integrated. Some of these “escapists” would be fascinated by the idea, and it would touch the chords of their hearts. They may even allow the longings of their souls to go out to the Father as a result of “liking the possibility” of what has been presented as a fictitious story.
So, my beloved co-workers, thank you, again, for your dedication to the work. Always remember we are not far from your sides as you extend your love into what you are doing for the Father.
_K. S. : Dear Mr. Padgett, if you’re not too tired, perhaps you could answer D_’s questions about his friend who died on March 1, 1991. D_ sat in his den and spoke to A. B. (who goes by the name S. B.) to explain to him about God’s Love._
_First, D____ would like to know if S___ was present at the time; and secondly, if he was, did he understand what D____ was trying to teach him; and thirdly, if the first two questions have a “yes” answer, are there any responses or reactions S____ would like to communicate to D_? Any personal requests he would like D_ to do for his family or friends?_
I am not one of the Celestial spirits who was present with D____ during the time he was speaking to his departed friend, but I am told that his friend was present and not feeling too responsive at the time. D___ should try again to explain and communicate after an adjustment period of, perhaps, two or three weeks. There are mixed emotions on the part of his friend, S_– some feelings of being saddened by leaving earth and others of feeling happy about his new life. There are, and will be, many things S_ wishes to communicate to D____ and, after an appropriate amount of time has been allowed for adjustments into the new world, D___ would be able to receive his thoughts without very much difficulty.
It is a good thing that you, our co-workers in the flesh, are aware of the importance of praying for protection from lower spirits because it is very easy to pick up on spirits’ thoughts. And if or when you are not holding desires to know the truth, you could very easily be influenced by a spirit who is intent upon convincing you to follow his way of thinking.
It is very much controlled by your thoughts and desires. And, similar to the Bible, in which a person can find any statement or passage to support his views, according to his own interpretation of the passage, a spirit can influence you in a way of believing, or accepting, that your views are correct and accurate when, in truth, they are not.
So, as you continue being dedicated to living and spreading the Truths of God’s Love to as many people in the world as you possibly can, then you will be guided accordingly. You will be inspired to write certain presentations which will be appealing to some particular segment of the population which has interest in certain fields of study.
There are thousands of short and long stories out there that have an effect upon peoples’ lives. Yours, if you write some, will also be effective in the lives of God’s children. We know there are many among you who have the capabilities of writing interesting stories, into which the Truths of God’s Love can be infused, without coming across as “religious nonsense” to the mind which may have been heretofore closed to the possibilities of such thoughts.
We love you, dear ones, and are well pleased with the work you do. Keep up your good desires, carry on with your outreaches. If you could visualize how far and wide your work is going to reach, you would be overwhelmed by its magnitude; but we have a great deal of influence in the lives of God’s children who are seeking for they-know-not-what, and even in the lives of God’s children who are yet unaware of the fact that they have a seeking soul within, anxious to be heard and to be free from the limitations placed upon it by the controlling mind.
Thank you for allowing me to write through you this morning. I will come again whenever you make your desires known.
I am your friend and brother in Christ,
James E. Padgett, a true follower of our Master Jesus, who is
Master of the Celestial Heavens.
1 Sadly such a simple idea as allowing both volumes to co-exist in one organisation was not acceptable to some in the F.C.D.T. as it then existed, and they left to re-surrect the F.C.N.B. which to this day does not allow any changes, even those evident as typographical, and they also do not support contemporary mediumship. The story of these tow churches is here.