Mar 23 1915 | Grandmother of Mr. Padgett says that the Master had a great love for him.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3
Grandmother of Mr. Padgett says that the Master had a great love for him.
March 23rd, 1915
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, your grandmother.
Well, I am very glad to be with you tonight as I see that you are in a condition of great spiritual exaltation. I was with you at the office and saw what you were thinking of and realized that the Love of the Father was filling your soul with happiness.
You certainly were very near the Father’s Kingdom in your aspirations and you were very happy at the mere thoughts of what might happen when you get in condition to have your home and a place devoted to the receipt of spiritual messages and influences.
What you imagined might take place, possibly can, if you should get into such a condition of spiritual development as your thoughts led you to believe that you might. Of course the Master will not materialize as you conceived he might, but he will be there with all his power and love and the Holy Spirit will shed His Love over and through the sitters as you imagined.
I do not know just what the Master will do for you before you have finished his messages, but I will not be surprised at anything, as he seems to love you with an exceptional love and to be interested to a wonderful degree in your welfare both spiritual and physical.
So my dear son, only have more faith and more love for God and there is no telling what future blessings are in store for you.
You are not yet in condition to take the Master’s message or rather to finish his last one, but after this month you will be, for several cares will be removed and then your mind will be free to think along the right lines of thought.
You will become a very happy man in the near future.
With all my love,
I am your grandmother.