Jun 4 1917 | What is the reason that mortals will not seek the Love of the Father, rather than endeavor to believe in the creeds and sacraments of the church to which they belong or be affiliated with?
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 1
What is the reason that mortals will not seek the Love of the Father, rather than endeavor to believe in the creeds and sacraments of the church to which they belong or be affiliated with?
June 4th, 1917
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, St. John.
I came tonight to write you a message that I consider very important, and as you are in good condition I will endeavor to do so. In the first place, I desire to say that you are much more in that condition of soul development that enables us to make a rapport with you than you have been, and we are pleased that this is so, for the greater development you have the easier it is for us to express our ideas of the higher truths that we so much desire to disclose through you.
Well, the subject about which I wish to write is: What is the reason that mortals will not seek the Love of the Father rather than endeavor to believe in the creeds and sacraments of the churches to which they belong or be affiliated with?
Now it may appear to you that mortals themselves, could better tell the reason of this preference and their actions in carrying out their preferences, but this supposition would not be true because they do not really know. The knowledge of the truth which they might obtain, and the supposed knowledge of truth which so many of them content themselves with believing that they possess, are two and very different things.
And first, they believe that the creeds of their churches contain and disclose the truths as to God and as to mortals relationship to Him, and that, if they follow these creeds – they will do that which is pleasing to God and in accordance with His will; and, hence, they rest satisfied to abide in such knowledge, and seek no further to learn the truths of their being and of their salvation.
The creeds in most particulars do not contain the truths of these spiritual matters, for they are based upon error, and consequently, can have no truth as a superstructure, and from them, mortals cannot learn the true knowledge of things spiritual. These creeds are manmade and are not based upon the real verities that can never be changed by creeds, nor any other thing that is the result of man’s making.
But mortals do not know that these creeds do not disclose to them the truth, and this is one reason why they prefer to follow the teachings of the creeds and believe in them. They have nothing else to which they can resort, except the many statements of truth that the Bible contains; and even, though, they should resort to these statements, yet in their condition of mental and soul development they would not be able to discover the truths as therein disclosed, and to realize any distinction between such truths and what they believe are truths of their creeds.
For long years – generation after generation – these creeds have been accepted and believed in and proclaimed to be the truths by the respective churches to which the mortals may have belonged; and they have seen their parents and grandparents believing and resting in the assurance that the creeds contained the truth, and have seen these relatives live and die apparently happy in their beliefs, and hence they become satisfied to do that which those before them did and not question or search for the truth elsewhere, or even think that it can be found elsewhere. And as man is constituted it may be said that such a position and condition is natural, and we or you, who know the truth and also that the creeds do not contain the truth, should not be surprised.
Again, mortals prefer their creeds, because in the majority of the instances when a church or denomination has existed for a long time those who have, as I may say, inherited these beliefs in the creeds never consider for a moment, that they should do anything else than give an unquestioning belief to the teachings of their creeds and that in such belief they are in the truth and are not called upon to doubt or question. And thus growing up, as many do, in this belief, it becomes to them in many cases, a thing of mere form, having no vitality and creating in those who possess it, no special concern as to whether their belief is well founded or not. This belief saves them the trouble of exercising their minds to any comprehensive degree, and they say: “I am content with the creed of my church and do not desire to be troubled by questioning the same.” And, hence, you will see, it is not difficult for them to make the preference, for in fact, there is no preference, but a condition of mind existing that has in it no room for the exercise of any preference.
And then again, this preference exists, because of the social life of the people who believe in the creeds of the churches, for if they do not so believe it is not permissible for them to become members of the churches, as the creed must be subscribed to, no matter what else that may be vital is required to be believed in, or declared by the mortal who desires affiliation to be believed.
The church is the greatest of social centers in the lives of men, and its influence and power are very great and reaches further in the economy of social life than unthinking people may realize. So then when the applicant subscribes to the creed and becomes a member of the church he becomes satisfied, usually, with his social position and his thoughts of spiritual truths are no longer plastic but fixed, and as time goes by he pays less attention to what the creeds may require of him, but in a kind of automatic manner acts upon them and rests satisfied. His position then becomes so comfortable and his mind free from efforts by the undoubting acceptance of the doctrines of his church creeds.
Of course, there are many exceptions to this condition existing among members of the churches, for while they subscribe to the creeds, yet their souls are not satisfied and go out in longings to the Father for His Love and many who possess this Love, though intellectually they do not know what it means. But with the majority the preference is made because of the reasons that I have stated – and the difficulty will be great to cause an awakening from this satisfaction and feeling that in their beliefs lie the certainty of doing the Father’s will and of their own salvation.
Now, while all this is true, yet these mortals do not realize that it is true just in the sense that I have described it, and the great work that lies before you and us is to cause the truths which you are receiving to be presented to these people in such a way that they will not be satisfied to rest in the security of their old beliefs, but be persuaded to seek for the truth outside of the teachings of their creeds. And this I can say, that if these people will have such an awakening, and seriously and honestly seek for the truth, they will not hesitate to believe that they have been mistaken in their beliefs, and will not be satisfied until they learn the truth.
I merely thought I would write this, because, while it is more of a subject pertaining to the merely living of men on earth, yet in its results and consequences, if the living be changed the things spiritual will become the things of absorbing interest. These creeds shut out the truth, and men will never be able to find the truth, until they shut out from their minds and souls the doctrines of the creeds.
I will not write more tonight. So with my love, I will say good night.
Your brother in Christ,