Apr 25 1918 | Ann Rollins confirms what the Master said and encourages him in his work.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

Ann Rollins confirms what the Master said and encourages him in his work.

April 18th, 1918

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, your grandmother.

Let me say that I have heard what the Master said and join with him in advising you to keep up your faith and courage, for I know that which you desire will be accomplished and the means found for fulfilling the work and bringing it to a successful issue.

We are all with you, trying to help you, and we will. Only do as the Master said and you will not fail or be disappointed in the end. Believe that I love you very much and am with you often, and that we will succeed. Good night.

Your grandmother.

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