Jun 7 1918 | Helen is with me at Harryâs and at the Colburn’s
Unpublished Messages of James Padgett.
Helen is with me at Harry’s and at the Colburn’s
May 22, 1918.
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, your own true and loving Helen.
Well dear, there were many dark spirits present tonight all wanting to write and when you shut them off many were disappointed and some remained in the expectation of being able to write. They have now disappeared as White Eagle told them in a positive manner that none of them would be permitted to write and that only I would write and advised them to leave which they finally did. If you could see how disappointed they were you would feel sorry for them as we all do.
Well dear, I see that you are in a much better spiritual condition tonight and that your longings have ascended more to the Father today than usual and He has responded with His Love and you have received the consciousness of the presence of His Love. I am so glad that this is so, for as you may know, I am always glad when you by your longings get nearer to the Father and in doing so you get nearer to us and we become more in unison with you.
I was with you tonight when you visited your children and also the Colburns and saw that you were quite happy in your visit. Harry and his wife are quite happy in their love and I am so pleased that such is their condition. At the Colburns, I enjoyed the music and came very close to you and you at times realized my presence and were loving me very much. The music was very harmonious and helped us to draw closer to each other for it started the vibrations of the chords of our souls and thus enabled them to be put in unison and made us so very close to each other.
As you may suppose a number of the bright sprits were present and Mrs. Colburn was there also in her love for her husband and children. She loves them very much and enjoys being with them and especially when they turn their thoughts to her as they do sometimes.
As it is very late I must not write more but let you go to bed. Love me and think of me with your love increasing all the time and we will both be very happy in our love. You know what love means to us and how it is a part of our very existence and it should not be permitted to lie dormant or even to lessen. I think that you will be in condition to receive some of the higher messages tomorrow night and you must sit early and give the spirits an opportunity to write. As I have told you, many desire to write and you must make an effort to get in condition so that they may do so.
My dear husband, I love you so very much and want your love in return not only at night but all the time. So remember what I have said and pray to the Father.
Good night and may the Father bless you in every way.
Your own true and loving, Helen.
This message is not in the published volumes. It was distributed by the F.C.N.B in their Spring 2012 Newsletter.