Apr 18 1919 | Helen confirms the writer to be a very beautiful spirit.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4
Helen confirms the writer to be a very beautiful spirit.
April 18th, 1919
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, your own true and loving Helen.
Well dear, I see that you have been much interested in the book that you have read, and the spirit who wrote you is a very beautiful spirit, and of the Celestial Heavens, but I do not know him. He wanted so much to write you, and we thought it best that he should do so.
I understand how you have been feeling today, and am not disappointed that you did not give me the opportunity to write tonight, for I will come again and write you. You are now in better condition than you have been for several days, and you must pray to the Father for an increase of His Love in your soul and for greater faith, so that you may do the work that is before you. We are all anxious that you receive our messages and the benefit of the increased Love.
I will not write more tonight, for you had better go to bed and get up early and attend to your business. Turn your thoughts to your mission and then with all the powers of your own soul, and with the help that will be given you by the spirits without your disposition to take things in the easy manner that you do. Yours is a work that needs courage and determination and fortitude, and you must try to let these qualities possess your soul. Well my dear Ned, I will say good night.
Your own true and loving,