Dec 16, 1914 | Helen writes as to what an impression James made on Mr. Albert G. Riddle

I am here, Helen.

You certainly did make an impression on Mr. Riddle, for he is now trying to pray as you suggested to him to do. But you must not let your love for him keep you from feeling that we all want you to pray for us also, for you seem to have such faith that we wonder at you.

[Question] No, not that, but we need your prayers too, so do not forget us. I am not one bit selfish in the matter, but I want you to help me too.
I do not know, but it seems to be so. Whenever you talk to these spirits, who will not believe us, they listen to you and soon commence to pray to God for forgiveness and love. We do not understand it any more than you do, but it is so and your grandmother says that your faith must be very great that you should have such influence with the lost spirits. She says that she does not understand herself and that if you continue you will do so much good that your reward here will be especially great. God seems to listen to your prayers for these spirits and we are all amazed at it. But let me say that you must also pray for yourself for you also need the Love of God in your heart to a greater degree in order to be at-one with the Father.

You should not doubt this, for it is true. As I said, we do not understand, but some day we may, so believe me when I say that as we write to you and tell you only what we know to be true. God seems to hold you in His care to such a degree that no one can now turn you from His love, only do not let the thought that He is not your loving Father, keep you from praying for yourself.

I am tired and must stop. I lost my strength when I tried to tell you what she was doing. I will tell you tomorrow night in full. With all my love – Helen

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