Apr 12 1915 | Jesus advises Mr. Padgett to give more time to prayer and that the Father’s Love is coming into his soul.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3
Jesus advises Mr. Padgett to give more time to prayer and that the Father’s Love is coming into his soul.
April 12th, 1915.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Jesus.
I want to tell you that you are now getting in a better spiritual condition than you have been for a long time. You have more of God’s Love in your heart, and I think that very soon you will be in that condition of mind and soul development that will enable you to take my messages and as I desire that they be received.
I am with you very much and try to help you in your efforts to obtain this soul development, and also in your material matters. So do not doubt me, as what I tell you is true.
If you will only give more time to prayer you will find that your condition of happiness will be much improved, and that you will realize that the Father’s love is coming into your soul more abundantly.
So, let me feel that you are endeavoring to get this Great Love more and more every day, and I will try to help you with all my powers and love.
I will not write more tonight as there are some others here who desire to write.
So good night. With all my love and the blessings of the Father.
I am your own true brother,