Sep 27 1915 | Mr. Padgett’s grandmother affirms that Jesus wrote and showed his glory and power.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 2
Mr. Padgett’s grandmother affirms that Jesus wrote and showed his glory and power.
September 27th, 1915
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here to tell you of my Master’s glory.
Heretofore, we have written you mostly of his love and beauty and humility, but said very little of his grandeur and the glory of his countenance when he permitted these attributes to appear in all their fullness and splendor. And this was reasonable, because until last night we had never seen this great brightness and glory.
I am in the Celestial Spheres, but he never before displayed the wonders of his love and powers to me or to others in my sphere, and neither to those in the lower spheres. But last night – oh, the glory of it – he came to you to write and in doing so, when he told you what your mission is, he assumed the authority and power which are his, and there came into his countenance and very being that wonderful glory and brightness which made him a being from other spirits, apart.
I have seen the glories of the Celestial Spheres in which I live, and they are so magnificent and wonderful that I have never been able to describe them to you; but they are as a mere shadow to the glory that surrounded and came from the Master when he appeared as I say. We were spellbound as you say, and could look upon him but for a moment only; and I can well imagine how his three disciples fell upon their faces at the time of the transfiguration on the Mount.
I cannot describe to you his grandeur and brightness, but your sun would appear as a pale moonbeam in his presence. And how thankful that I saw him as he is, for it shows me what must be the wonderful glory and beauty of the sphere in which he lives, and to which I am striving to attain, and thanks be to God, the Master says I may become a dweller therein if I will only pray and have faith and let the Divine Love come into my soul in sufficient abundance.
When I think of all the wonderful things that have centered around you in your communications with the spirit world, I simply have to wonder in amazement, and think why such things should be. The only explanation that I can give is that you are the special object of the Master’s desire to have his work on earth carried forth in the way that he has declared.
My dear son, you must not doubt again as to what you shall do in the way of performing the work of the Master. Your call is certain and you must believe, and believing, do with all your strength and the powers that will be given you, this great task. And let me say further, you must make it a work of love.
Pray to the Father for faith and you will get it, and trust in the Master and you will never be forsaken. I cannot write more tonight, as I want to think of the wonderful scene of last night.
Your own true and loving grandmother.