Sep 28 1915 | A joint message from Helen and Mary expressing their happiness that the Master will be with Dr. Stone with all his love and power.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4
A joint message from Helen and Mary expressing their happiness that the Master will be with Dr. Stone with all his love and power.
September 28th, 1915.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Helen.
What a wonderful, happy night we have all had – you and Dr. Stone in the mortal life, and all of us spirits in the spirit life. For I must tell you that your room has been filled with spirits of all spheres and conditions.
Your reading of those messages accompanied by the power of the Divine Love caused such an emotion among the spirits here as I have never before seen since I have been writing to you. And best of all the Master was with us, and his great love and glory seemed to fill the whole room and all our souls as well. I tell you sweetheart, that heaven has been with us tonight and Dr. Stone must not wonder that he felt the great power and influence which he speaks of, because never before has he been surrounded by such a host of Celestial spirits as were with you all tonight. Not the least interested and happy was his own sweet Mary and her happiness was really beyond what I can tell you of. She was filled with love for him and with the Divine Love, and her love was glowing to him in great beams of light and joy.
She wants to write a little although she says that she is too full of the emotion which has taken possession of her to write very much.
Mary now writes:
My dear soulmate, I am with you in all my love and longings, and you must believe that I am your own true soulmate, happy in the knowledge that you love me in return for all the great love of my soul which I send to you without one iota of reservation you have my love and my great desires that you may be happy and contented in the knowledge that your Mary is all your own and not another’s. She is with you so very much and tries to comfort and keep you from everything that will make you unhappy. Many times when things look a little dark she comes to you with her love and whispers words of cheer, and tickles your ear to let you know she is with you.
I am glad that your soul is open to the influence of not only the Divine Love of the Father, but to the love of the Master, for he loves you more than you can imagine, and is also with you very often, for he sees that you are in condition to become a follower of him, and that you will also be able to do his work in conjunction with your friend who writes. He is so gracious and loving and so wants you to learn of him and help spread his truths as he sees that you may do. I believe that he will soon write to you and tell you the way in which you may become his disciple also; for he sees that your soul is longing for the great Love of the Father, which will make you a power also in making known the truths of God to mortals.
I do not know just what you shall do, but I know that you will have a mission to perform and that the Master will be with you in all his love and power, blessing you until your life shall become a great peace and happiness.
Oh, my dear Leslie, to think that you too will have such a special friend and loving saviour; and that our souls will have the possibility of becoming one in the great Love of the Father, even while you are on earth. I must not write more tonight but I must say that this night has been to me one of the happiest and soul loving in all my spirit life. So think of me and write me a long letter tonight, and tell me of your love to me, and of your great desire to have me close to you.
Good night,
Helen writes:
Well, you can see what love can do. She loves him and the Master loves him and we all love him.
What a, happy meeting for us all.I must not write more tonight, but only say to you and to him too – pray more to the Father for His Love, and for faith, and believe.
I am yours forever in love.