Dec 5, 1914 | Ann Rollins says James should not doubt that they communicate with him, and he should not go to the séances as they are not helping much
I am here, your grandmother.
You must not be so despondent. Pray to God and he will bless you. Try not to let the things of the material kind keep you from loving God. You are not doing right by thinking so much of the troubles of earth life. Trust in God. He will take care of you and you will not be left alone to worry over those things which will soon pass by. Give more of your thoughts to God and believe more in His love and care, and he will help you more than you can comprehend.
Yes, even as to them. He is not so weak that His love cannot help you in those things. Be true to Him and yourself and you will not want for anything that is for your good. I know, for my experience in life has proved to me that I am speaking the truth.
Yes, I am with her [Nita – Helen and James’ daughter, Helenita] very often. She is a good girl and has much of God’s Love in her heart. She is trying to learn the true way to His Love, and she will become a very spiritual woman as she grows older. Yes, I will and she will love you too, for you seem to her now as both father and mother. Yes, you will for I will try to help you to the fullest of my power, only believe and she will stay at school, and come home to you in the summer and feel that you have been her true and loving father, as you are.
You must believe that we communicate with you and when you do so without doubt, and then I do not think that you should go to the séances. They are generally of such a mixed condition that you are not helped by what you come in contact with. Yes, I would advise you to go there, while they are not what I consider spiritual people, yet the spirits who attend their meetings are of a very good kind and will benefit you in the matter of your belief. Yes, I do, and your wife and guide, White Eagle, and your father will be able to talk to you soon. Bright Star will be a great help. She is a very spiritual person and loves God, as I know. But she is not yet entirely in the blessings of His full love, but she is trying to obtain it very hard.
Yes, she is, though many Indians are very spiritual. White Eagle is a very spiritual man and lives in the fourth plane [spirit sphere]. He is a strong spirit and seems to think a great deal of you. He will protect you in all emergencies and you can rely on him. He has never been the guide of anyone before and has not tried to learn English as he says, but he will soon learn as he is now making the effort. Only you must not let him write to you too often for he is not of the writing band.
Yes, it would. He is a powerful guide in certain ways, but he is not one who can help so much in spiritual matters. While he is good himself yet he cannot instruct you in those things that you need to learn at this time.
They [Mr. R. & Prof. S.] are not so spiritual but their knowledge of certain other things in the spiritual world will be beneficial to you. You must not confine your investigations to purely spiritual things, for while they are the things absolutely necessary, yet there are other things that you should learn, and we formed our band of such persons as we thought would serve the purpose that we had in view.
I doubt that he can cause the truth to grow but you can try him. I don’t know just what power he has with reference to physical things. I believe that he can help your eyesight and liver. So let him try to do what he says. He is honest in his belief and he may succeed.
Good night my own dear boy, your loving, grandmother [Ann Rollins]