Mar 14 1916 | A Seventh Sphere inhabitant wants to assure Mr. Padgett that the writers are truthfully who they represent themselves to be.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

A Seventh Sphere inhabitant wants to assure Mr. Padgett that the writers are truthfully who they represent themselves to be.

March 14th, 1916

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, John D. Parker

Let me say a word, for I am interested in you and your work to a very large extent. I have not written you before and I want merely to say that you are receiving these messages from the higher spirits, and you must believe that you are.

I am a spirit who once lived in a country far away from where you live and was not a Christian man in an orthodox sense, but was a believer in God, though not in the God of the Bible, as I never thought that a loving God could be the wrathful and vindictive God that the Jews believed Him to be.

I have been in the spirit world for many years and am a follower of Jesus in his truths and teachings and am an inhabitant of the Seventh Sphere where only the followers of him live.

I will not write more tonight as I see that you are tired, and others want to write a little.

So with all my brotherly love, I will subscribe myself

Your brother in Christ,

John D. Parker of Liverpool, England.

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