Oct 23 1916 | Helen tells Mr. Padgett that he has the power to prevent the dark spirits from writing as Jesus has just written.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3
Helen tells Mr. Padgett that he has the power to prevent the dark spirits from writing as Jesus has just written.
October 23rd, 1916.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, your own true and loving Helen. Well sweetheart, the dark spirits are very anxious to write tonight, and it is somewhat difficult to control them, although, as Jesus said, you have the power, yourself, to prevent them from writing. They are so very unhappy that you will relieve (?) it and let them write.
They are increasing in numbers more and more, and seem more anxious to come in contact with you than ever, and we find it is difficult to induce them to leave. But I see the wisdom of your rule (to only receive their messages one day a week) and the necessity of enforcing it, for otherwise the higher spirits would not have any opportunity to convey their messages.
Well, I heard what the Master said, and you must try to do as he says regarding the time of writing. He is so very anxious to write and so are a number of others. I mean the higher spirits, for they all have messages of truth to deliver.
Yes, they (my band) are desirous of writing you but you have been so crowded that they have not attempted to interfere. She has a message and will come soon and deliver it. Well, I will tell them what you say and we will arrange for the writing in the way that you suggest, and they will be happy to do so, I know. I will not write more now – you had better go to bed soon and get up earlier. So give me my kiss and say good night,
Your own true and loving,