Feb 6 1917 | Mrs. Stone: Urges that Mr. Padgett, Dr. Stone and Eugene Morgan never doubt that they have been chosen to work for the Kingdom.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4

Mrs. Stone: Urges that Mr. Padgett, Dr. Stone and Eugene Morgan never doubt that they have been chosen to work for the Kingdom.

February 6th, 1917

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Priscilla Stone (Dr. Stone’s Mother).

I am not going to write much, but I must say to my boy that I heard what John said to him, and that it is of such great importance to him now and hereafter that I must assure him that it was John who really wrote. He was almost glorified as he announced the great truth of your selection, and I do not want my boy, or you either, to doubt this fact ever again. It is all so wonderful that I might doubt myself had I not seen the writer and heard the authentic words that he uttered. So, believe with all your hearts, and let your principal object in life for the future be the performance of this work.

I cannot write more now, for I am so very happy at the new assurance that has been given you. So, with my love, I will say good night.

Mrs. Stone.


This message is a composite of two, being published in Volume IV on page 11 and again in Volume IV on page 99. For more details see this page.

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