Mar 23 1916 | Mary Kennedy: The soulmates shed tears of joy to hear that Mr. Padgett, Dr. Stone and Mr. Morgan were favored by Jesus.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4
Mary Kennedy: The soulmates shed tears of joy to hear that Mr. Padgett, Dr. Stone and Mr. Morgan were favored by Jesus.
March 23rd, 1916.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, Mary.
I am here and I want to write to my soulmate and I know that you will let me do so. Helen said she would make you take the pencil and told me to get ready and catch hold and as soon as you did so, and you may depend on it that I was right here and grabbed the pencil as soon as I could.
Well, it has been so long since I wrote him that I was hungry to do so. I know that he writes me and that I make him realize that I am with him, but that doesn’t satisfy me altogether for you know that when you love a person you just have to tell them. It really gives relief, and besides I know that he likes to have me tell him.
Well, I suppose he will not think it anything new when I say that I love him with all my heart and soul but nevertheless I must tell him for I do.
If I could only write to him as your sweetheart does to you, it would not occasion so much anxiety for then I could spread it out and not have to wait to bunch it all together. But it keeps and I don’t lose any of it. Tell him that I am progressing very rapidly now and will soon get into a sphere where Helen tells me I will find so much more happiness, and that the more Love of the Father that I get, the more I will love my soulmate. I am with him a great deal as I have told him before. I try my best to help him.
He is developing in his soul also and I am glad. I must tell him what a love feast we three had last night. I mean Helen and Clara and I.
When we heard Jesus say that Mr. Morgan had been selected by Jesus and would be given the great Love of the Father and knowing that you and my dear had already been selected, we just hugged one another and shed tears of joy for to us who know what a wonderful spirit the Master is and especially having seen the great display of his glory, we thought how fortunate we were in having soulmates who had been so favored by Jesus and the Father.
You cannot appreciate what it means to us for you don’t know conditions here and what power and Love exists not only in the Celestial Heavens but in the spirit heavens.
Oh, I tell you that if we were mortals and you were our husbands on earth, we should have such a pride as might condemn us to do penance.
You must all believe what has been told you as to the work which you are to do and thank the Father for the great opportunity that will be given you to do so much good to mankind and to develop your own soul, for we know that if you do the work we will not be separated very long.
I am so happy tonight I could not talk about anything else and Leslie must pardon me for not having written about other things. Soon I will come to him and tell him about my home here, and what he may expect when he comes over.
I have written him a long letter and I must stop. So with my sisterly love for you and my soulmate love to him,
I will say good night.
His Mary.
This communication appears to have been received on the day after the message referred to above.