Jul 8 1917 | Helen agrees with John that Mr. Padgett was not benefitted by attending meeting, but pleased with his improved condition of soul.

True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

Helen agrees with John that Mr. Padgett was not benefitted by attending the meeting, but pleased with his improved condition of soul.

July 8th, 1917

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.


I am here, Helen.

Well dear, I see that you are tired and I will not write much. But I must say that I am so glad that you are feeling better and more hopeful. Keep up your courage and everything will be alright.

I was with you at the meeting, but will not write my impressions now. You were not benefited. Try to have faith and pray, and I believe that tomorrow night you will be in condition to receive my letter that I so much desire to write. Love me and believe that I love you. Good night.

Your own true and loving,


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