Jun 16 1917 | Helen confirms that Dr. Stone’s mother wrote.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4
Helen confirms that Dr. Stone’s mother wrote.
June 16th, 1917.
Received by James Padgett.
Washington D.C.
I am here, your own true and loving Helen.
Well, dear, you have had some beautiful messages tonight and in them was much love, and I was glad that you received these messages. Tell Doctor that his mother actually wrote and that she is here now and says that she will accompany him alone and remain with him until he goes to sleep. Her love for him seems to be great tonight. And dear Prof. Salyards also wrote in his loving and sympathetic way. What a wonderful spirit he is in his deference to the female spirits and he sees only love and beauty in all.
The last spirit who wrote, I am not acquainted with, but I have no doubt that she is who she represents herself to be. At any rate, she is quite a beautiful spirit but does not know what the Divine Love means and went with the Doctor’s sister, who will tell her. For Kate is a very beautiful spirit with much of the love in her soul and seems so full of desire to let all know what this love is. She is doing a wonderful work among the dark spirits and is one of the busiest of the spirits who attend on your evenings when the dark spirits come for help. And I must also say that she is so joyful in the fact that the Doctor has found the way that will lead him to the Celestial Heavens.
And there is another one present whom I must not neglect to mention, and I could not if I wanted to, for she says now Helen if you love me tell Leslie that I am here and want only to say that I love him as he knows. She is progressing in her soul development very rapidly and I tell her that she is commencing to look real beautiful and if the Doctor could only see her he would think so too. And she says that it does not matter whether she is beautiful or not if she could only make herself visible to the Doctor he would not look to see whether she was beautiful or not because she would look at him with such eyes of love that he wouldn’t see anything but her eyes.
Well, dear, you must not write more. Keep up your courage and believe what has been told you for you will not be disappointed. Tomorrow night the Master desires to finish his message. So with my love to you both I will say good night.
Your own true and loving – Helen.