May 13 1917 | Judge Syrick, an old friend of both Mr. Padgett and Dr. Stone, relates his spiritual progression and is living with his soulmate in the fifth sphere.
True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 4
Judge Syrick, an old friend of both Mr. Padgett and Dr. Stone, relates his spiritual progression and is living with his soulmate in the fifth sphere.
May 13th, 1917
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
I am here, Judge Syrick.
But you must not pay any attention to the Judge part. I merely used the term to let you know that I feel a good deal like yourselves tonight in that I am a man with you.
I cannot tell you how pleased I am to be able to write to you tonight, as it has been a long time since I wrote you; and as you know, I always enjoy being with you, even more so than when on earth, for you are both very dear to me, and I want you to feel that the throwing aside my covering of flesh did not change me in any particular as regards my feelings for you, except to cause me to realize how much more you are (both) my brothers and friends. Well, I have been present all evening and heard you read the message of Jesus, and your comments on the same, and I cannot express my joy in hearing the message and realizing how it appealed to you both, for it was a wonderful message and one that will open up a world of truth to men if they will only understand and believe.
I have made much progress in my soul development and in the acquirement of the knowledge of these spiritual truths, so that even I know that what was written you in that message is true. I am progressing all the time, and the Love that has come into my soul has transformed me to a large degree into something more than the mere image of the Father. Oh, I tell you, this Love is wonderful, and we who have it are happy beyond all conception, and the best thing about it is that the more we receive the knowledge comes to us that there is more waiting for us to receive.
I am in the fifth sphere, and I have with me one whom you have heard me speak of. I mean, of course, my Rose. What a blessing to have such a soulmate, and if I could only find words to tell you of the happiness that comes with such a possession I would do so, if only to give you some idea of what you may expect when you come to the spirit world, and especially when you remember that both your soulmates are in a higher sphere than are we, and of course have more happiness and love.
Well, I would like to write a longer letter, but am advised that I have written enough for tonight, and so I must stop. Yes, I was there and spoke to you, but did not try to talk much as there were so many other spirits, all anxious to speak to their friends and who haven’t the blessed opportunity that I have to communicate. The room was filled with spirits, and if you could have seen the condition of some of them I know that you would have had a longing desire to help them. So do not let any doubt come to you as to the great work that is yours to help these spirits and also that many of them are helped, as a truth. Was not I one who was thus helped, and do not I know that you have given to you this power? So thank God. and work.Tell the Doctor that he also is doing a great work and must persevere; and when he comes over, as my old mother said when I was a mere child, here will be crowns of glory waiting for him.
Well, I must stop now, and in doing so want to assure you both that you have my love and gratitude to the extent that an appreciative soul can give. Rose sends her love and says that she is so very happy and is praying for you both. Good night, my dear brothers.
Your old friend,
Dr. Stone Comments.
I knew Judge Syrick. He was an old friend of Mr. Padgett who was able to get Helen, who has the wonderful gift of finding the soulmates of those who desired to know whether the soulmate is on earth or in spirit world. Helen found the soulmate of Judge Syrick, who was a beautiful spirit and her name was Rose. Both of them have now made their progress into Celestial Heaven.
Leslie R. Stone