True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 2
April 8th, 1919
Received by James Padgett
Washington D.C.
Let me say a word, as I was also present at the meeting tonight, and listened to the preacher (Dr. Swain) as he unfolded what he thought to be the truth of God and man.
Well, I will not stop to discuss many of the errors of his teachings or the workings of his mind, but only say, that if God is as he considers him to be, he would not be the God, which we know to exist and who Loves us and whom we can call Father. The all enfolding energy is not the God of Love and mercy, and the preacher cannot possibly find in such a God, the Father that is calling for and caring for his children.
I merely wanted to say this. I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom, and will say good night.
Thomas B. Monroe
Thomas Bell Monroe (October 7, 1791 – December 24, 1865) was a United States federal judge. (Source Wikipedia)