Oct 21 1977 | James E. Padgett: Personal Message.

Messages 1984 to 2000

James E. Padgett: Personal Message.

October 21, 1997

Received by D.L.


Yes, it is I, James E. Padgett, a Celestial angel and one of your spirit band, and I am so happy I can finally greet you in this personal way and convey my deep appreciation for all you have done, not only in the wonderful editing you have accomplished, but also in providing me with a voice and a significant and important input in the questions and statements you created for me to include among the messages in the three volumes you have completed thus far.

You will recall that I gave a message through K___ stating and affirming that you would do me greater honor and respect by inserting these devised questions and statements to give my contributions life (than not to provide these necessary additions) so that readers would have a much better understanding of what was being discussed and what was to follow in subsequent paragraphs. Of course, aside from helping with reading facility and understanding, there was the added benefit of personalizing my own contributions to some of the formulations that followed my own questioning. The Celestials often took my own lead in discussing topics that perhaps might have been either not discussed or deferred till much later. Thus, the questions asked were important and actually made me a vital part of this whole revelatory experience.

Of course, my deep regret has been that all my questions and statements had been absent from the Celestial messages because of my neglect at the time of including these as vital introductory inserts among the messages themselves. It was not until you came along and gave me life through your devised insertions that I found a great relief from the regret I had carried for so many years. I can’t thank you enough for what you did, not only for all subsequent readers to come, but also for giving me a needed part in these volumes without which readers may have continued to struggle with unclear passages, and some would have discarded the messages as being too irksome to try to make sense out of in the many cases or passages that left some readers floundering and frustrated before.

Today, you are taking over, among others, where I left off for the needed work ahead. But I want you to know that what you have already accomplished in the way of corrections has been monumentally significant and worthy of the highest praise. I shudder to think of this work of yours never having taken place – how many potential people on the path never having that path for want of sufficient understanding and encouragement in the volumes that existed predating you, and in which errors abounded. But, with your editorial efforts, you literally transformed these messages to the quality of Truth that was originally intended but never quite achieved.

I had to come to you today and speak to you personally or I think I would have fairly burst through disappointment. I know that you are tired now, having taken two long messages prior to this one, and I do not intend to overburden you with another seven pager. But, before closing, I have to tell you that this is a most glorious day for me, for Helen, and for many others in the Celestial Realms who have all wanted to communicate their great gratitude for the work we started but which you raised to a higher level of intelligibility and acceptance. Without your added input, we would have been left, God knows for how long, with our regrets and disappointment in a seriously flawed product.

Helen is with me now and she affirms that she and others – too many to mention – want to thank you for not only what you have accomplished for me, but also for what you have done for humanity in furthering the work we began but which was in desperate need of editorial input and correction to satisfactorily complete.

I have wanted to personally thank you for some years now. Indeed, you gave me new life when you began your editorial work because it was then that I was able to impress you with certain questions and statements to assist you in the corrective process. Together, I feel we did a most creditable job, and I am finally able to rest in the knowledge that the work that was started has finally been brought forth in a degree of excellence that was always intended but never quite achieved until we gained your invaluable assistance.

Yes, David, I am one of your spirit band, and, to be sure when you pick up where you left off on your work on a fourth volume, I will be right at your side assisting you in every way that I can. That is the least I can do in repayment for all that you have done for me and for our cause of bringing more and more souls into the Father’s Celestial Kingdom – a cause which I know you deeply share with all the rest of us.

I could go on for pages and pages in the way of communicating my gratitude and love, but what I have said today will have to do for a beginning, for I know that you have been sitting for messages for hours now. In closing, though, know that my prayers are with you and that we will always be and always remain brothers and friends in this great work we have been privileged to undertake. Once again, many thanks and God bless you.

James E. Padgett, co-worker and one of your angel band.

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